Welcome to RUN on the Cosmic Spiral to Safety!, a game developed for the OLC CodeJam 2024!

Astronaut Charlie was deep into a research mission on the Cosmic Spiral when an urgent warning crackled through his radio: a meteorite storm was approaching fast. Fortunately, he had some meteorite repellent spray with him, but it wouldn’t last long. Now, Charlie must navigate the treacherous, rainbow-colored spiral and reach his space shuttle before the storm knocks him into the void of space. Only you can help him make it back to safety


  • A/D: Move left or right along the Cosmic Spiral.
  • W: Sprint to quickly dodge meteors.
  • S: Use your meteorite repellent spray to clear the path.

Use these controls to guide our astronaut through the rainbow-colored spiral and back to the safety of his shuttle!


Published 27 days ago
Tags2D, Pixel Art

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